Container Dimensions

Knowing the correct size of container to use is difficult. To try and help ease the process we have put together a table which contains the dimensions of our most common container types. Please choose the type of container you would like to view dimensions for:

Standard Container Sizes

 External Length (m)External Height (m)External Width (m)Internal Length (m)Internal Height (m)Internal Width (m)Door Width (m)Door Height (m)Capacity (cubic mtr)
20ft Tunnel6.062.592.435.842.392.352.342.2832
20ft Open Side6.062.592.435.
40ft High Cube12.22.892.4312.042.692.352.342.5876.2
20ft Open-top6.062.592.435.962.352.352.342.2833
40ft Open-top12.22.592.4312.042.352.352.342.2867.6

Flat Pack Container Sizes

 Length (m)Width (m)Height (m), flat packedHeight (m) assembledDoor Width (m)Weight (kg)
2m Galvanised Store2.
2m Powder Coated Store2.
3m Galvanised Store3.
3m Powder Coated Store3.
4m Galvanised Store4.
4m Powder Coated Store12.
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